Food intolerance for me was a slow and confusing process. Around 40 I noticed that I felt fatigued and often exhausted. I began to modify my diet in response to symptoms I experienced over time. I felt terrible .. foggy head, depression, fatigue, digestive problems, IBS. At 45 my gallbladder was removed and food intolerances became much more obvious. I could spend the whole day unable to move after eating yoghurt and cereal for breakfast (for example). At the same time I had my gall bladder removed I developed a rash on my face .. I had rosacea, and a lupus rash which was debilitating for my self confidence. It was at this point I began researching chemicals in food and came across the Failsafe diet (see links). I felt so much better on this diet that I have maintained it since then (4 years). I have become more sensitive over this period and had to eliminate foods that were considered safe .. except for the more sensitve responder. Being on a diet that excludes dairy, gluten, wheat, all fruit bar certain varieties of pear, many vegetables, all nuts, herbs and spices, flours of any description, sulphur dioxide and other preservatives and additives, flavours and colours, red meat, all fish except fresh white fish makes for a very boring diet .. although after reading about John only being able to eat hypoallergenic formula before hookworm therapy I don't want to complain too much.
I am hoping that hookworm therapy will enable me to improve my diet and therfore my gut health and general wellbeing. Another 2 months and one week before I even think about introducing an apple, or a banana, some yogurt or a mango! I have everything crossed.